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January Meeting

  • 19 Jan 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Onondaga Golf & Country Club Maintenance Facility


Registration is closed

The CNYGCSA is pleased to announce that PTS (Professional Turf Services) has offered to sponsor our  upcoming January Meeting at Onondaga Golf & Country Club. Therefore, this meeting will be at no charge to any CNYGCSA  member. We encourage you to invite your Assistant Superintendents and Mechanics to join us. The non-members fee will be $10 for education and lunch. We hope to see  everybody there!

WHERE: Onondaga Golf & Country Club Maintenance Facility (back left corner of parking lot)
Please park to the left half of parking lot so that members and clubhouse staff can park close to the club.

WHEN: Monday, January 19, 2017

10:00 -10:45 am - 
Coffee and registration
10:45 am - Tour of Facility and Presentation of Maintenance Practice, Standards and Procedures by Rob Pierpoint
12:30 - Lunch

Thank you and will see you then.

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